Humaid Alqasimi

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Setting up a Yubikey on Void Linux

Jun 16, 2020 · 1 min read

I recently got a Yubikey, which is a hardware authentication device. It has multiple functions, the Yubikey 4 has two slots which you can configure. Getting the device to work on Void Linux wasn’t obvious, this is a simple guide and a future reference on how to get a Yubikey working on Void Linux.

Setting up your system

First you need to install dbus, eudevd, and elogind if you haven’t installed it yet.

# xbps-install -Sy dbus eudev elogind

You have to enable those services.

# ln -s /etc/sv/{dbus,udevd,elogind} /var/service/

Now you need to install Yubikey packages:

# xbps-install -Sy u2f-hidraw-policy ykpers ykpers-gui

After restarting your system, you can then plug in your key, and run the ykpers-gui utility (or ykpers if you prefer a command-line interface).

Further configuration

The Arch Wiki Yubikey article has detailed examples on how you could setup your key.

This is my third post in the #100DaysToOffload challenge.

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