Humaid Alqasimi

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1. Description

yabfig is a BF interpreter written in Go. It has also been extended to lint code (by removing un-interpreted characters) and to include a gdb-style interpreter.

2. Requirements

The following packages must be installed on your system.

3. Copying and contributing

This program is written by Humaid AlQassimi, and is distributed under the BSD 2 Clause license.

4. Download and install

$ go get -u
$ go install

5. Usage

Usage: yabfig [option] <file>
	-lint		Lint (format) a Brainfuck file by removing spaces and non-instruction characters and output it to standard output.
	-debug		Run an interactive gdb-style debugger.

To run the example program

$ yabfig programs/

Using the debugger to set breakpoints:

$ yabfig -debug programs/
yabfig debugger for Brainfuck.
Commands are similar to gdb, type "help" for a list of compatible commands.
(yabfig-dbg) help
List of commands:

run -- Run the program
print [pos] -- Print value at memory position
next [count] -- Execute next instruction[s]
jump [pos] -- Jump to a program position and resume
break [pos] -- Add breakpoint at program position
clear [pos] -- Delete breakpoint at program position
watch [n = x] -- Set watchpoint when memory position n is x
kill -- Kill program execution
(yabfig-dbg) b 98
Breakpoint #1 at position 98
(yabfig-dbg) b 102
Breakpoint #2 at position 102
(yabfig-dbg) b 106
Breakpoint #3 at position 106
(yabfig-dbg) r
Running program: programs/
Hello WorldBreakpoint hit at position 98
(yabfig-dbg) c
!Breakpoint hit at position 102
(yabfig-dbg) c

Breakpoint hit at position 106
(yabfig-dbg) c
Program exited

6. Change log