Humaid Alqasimi

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My favourite software

Aug 12, 2019 · 1 min read

This is a list of software which improved the way I use my computer.

Backing up

I use Borg which allows me to efficiently backup my files, it supports encryption and deduplication of files, allowing me to use a fraction of space compared to a traditional method.

Text editing & document processing

I use neovim because it is fast, minimal and just works. Editors like VS Code and Atom sucks, a text editor shouldn’t be using 500-700MB of RAM to open a small text file.

I usually write my notes and reports in Markdown, which is then converted to PDF (through LaTeX) with pandoc. LaTeX is used when I need more control over the document.

Linux/Unix utilities and programs

  • maim: a simple command-line based screenshot program.
  • zsh/Oh My Zsh: my favourite shell environment setup.
  • sxiv: a perfect, minimal image viewer.
  • zathura: a light PDF viewer which uses Vi keyboard shortcuts.
  • Claws Mail: a mail client which is lightweight and delightful to use.

Desktop environment

  • My window manager is dwm, modified to support volume, brightness, display and pomodoro (spt) support, and theme colour changed. I like the way dwm arranges windows (compared to i3wm).
  • My terminal emulator is st, which seems to just work well.

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