Fast-Forward with steps formatting
1. Description
This is a patch for Fast-Forward which allows the steps to be formatted in a human-readable way, by providing a ‘format file’ as a parameter.
2. Requirements
The following packages must be installed on your system.
- Unix patch utility
- GNU Make
- A C compiler (defaults to gcc)
- GNU Bison
- flex
This patch is written for FF v2.3, and will probably not work with later versions.
3. Copying and contributing
Fast-Forward is released under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later, and so is the patch.
4. Downloading and patching
Extract FF, and copy the patch file in the extracted directory. Then run the following command to apply the patch and compile:
$ patch < steps-format-v1.patch
$ make
Then you will have a binary with the patch.
5. Example Usage
The patch adds an additional parameter -h
to the program, which allows you
to pass a ‘format file.’ For example:
$ ./ff -o domain.pddl -f prob.pddl -h problem-format.txt
And let’s say we have a particular personWalk
(:action personWalk
(?from - room
?to - room
?person - person)
To format the output of this action, we can add the following to our format file:
PERSONWALK $2 walks from the $0 to the $1
Now that we run the command, we should get:
ff: found legal plan as follows
step 0: PERSONWALK HUMAID walks from the KITCHEN to the LIVING-ROOM
6. Binary builds
Binary compiled and linked on Linux kudu 4.19.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u1 (2019-09-20) x86_64 GNU/Linux
. Should work on most modern
Linux x86_64 glibc systems.
7. Change log
- v1 (Oct 24 2019)
- Initial release