Humaid Alqasimi

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Written in Bash, licensed under the BSD-2-Clause license

Mailing list: ~humaid/ (subscribe, archive)

1. Purpose

The goal of sifrOS is to be a Linux distribution (based on Void) with more secure default configuration.

Documentation of installation and configuration is planned.

Note: This is not maintained and not very usable of yet. There are future plans in making this a more installable system.

1.1. Features and Goals

2. Requirements for building

The following packages must be installed on your system.

3. Copying and contributing

This is a fork of Void Linux live image maker which is written by Juan RP, Dave Elusive and Void contributors and is distributed under the BSD 2 Clause license.

4. Building

To build a sifrOS iso, run build script as root.

# ./