Humaid Alqasimi

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Clone with HTTPS:

Written in Go, licensed under the AGPL-3.0-only license

Mailing list: ~humaid/ (subscribe, archive) reference status

1. Description

ShopSheet is a web app written in Go that converts a spreadsheet file into an ecommerce website instantly.

This web app is developed by me and Akilan Selvacoumar as a challenge, we ended up implementing a working app in six hours.

We chose this idea to tackle as a challenge because it solves a problem, most people know how to use and are familiar with using spreadsheets, so why not build an ecommerce website generator based on spreadsheets?

2. Requirements

The following packages must be installed on your system.

3. Copying and contributing

This program is written by Humaid AlQassimi and Akilan Selvacoumar, and is distributed under the AGPL 3.0 license.

4. Download and install

$ go get -u
$ go install

5. Usage

Run with go run main.go.

6. Change log

7. To-do