Humaid Alqasimi

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NS2 Trace File Analysis Tool

Clone with HTTPS:

Written in Go, licensed under the AGPL-3.0-only license

Mailing list: ~humaid/ (subscribe, archive)

Issue tracker: view tickets (submit ticket via email) reference status

1. Description

Screenshot of the analysis page showing statistics of the trace file and a table of connections with buttons to view jitter

This web application allows you to analyse trace files generated by ns2 (Network Simulator 2). It will generate the following:

2. Requirements

The following packages must be installed on your system.

You also need to have a trace file so use on the web application.

3. Copying and contributing

This program is written by Humaid AlQassimi, and is distributed under the AGPL 3.0 only license. This means if you make your own version of this tool, you must release its source under the same license.

4. Downloading and building

$ git clone
$ cd ns2-trace-go
$ go build *.go

5. Usage

You can optionally set the port, by setting the PORT environment variable.

$ ns2-trace-go

By default, it will use port :4000.

6. Change log